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You have something the world needs—something specific you have been designed to do. It's time to stop doing things the old way, the hard way, the small way, and the slow way.

2025 is YOUR year to think higher and dream bigger.

Don't miss the 2025 Provision Conference April 24-26 in Powell, Ohio with Gary and Drenda Keesee!

Complete the form below to reserve your seat to attend the 2025 Conference in person at our Powell Campus. But HURRY! We're filling up fast!

Want to know more about the 2025 Provision Conference? Go to or call 1-(888)-391-5433 for assistance.

Partners - to take advantage of your partner discount, please log in, when prompted, during the checkout process.

** Early Bird discounts will be applied during checkout. **

Provision Conference 2025 - Powell Campus
Please type in the number of adults you want to register to attend the Powell campus in person.
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