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This package contains three powerful books by Gary Keesee:

Open for Business Book by Gary Keesee
Instead of looking for the money you need, Gary shows you how to create the wealth needed to fulfill your Kingdom assignment and purpose! But the question you must answer is… “Are You Open for Business?”

Too many of us are just praying, sitting back, and waiting on God to do something about our financial problems—but what we don’t realize is that God is waiting on us!

The Word of God tells us that God has already given us access to the endless riches of His Kingdom. What happens next depends entirely upon you!

Get ready to discover your destiny, achieve your vision, and maximize your opportunity!

Occupy Your Destiny Book by Gary Keesee
You are here right now for a purpose—to occupy the unique territory that God has designated for you in this world. And as a believer, Jesus instructed you to do just that—to… OCCUPY until He comes.

This book will show you what it takes to succeed against all odds, discover your destiny, occupy the territory created just for you, and WIN in life.

God has so much more for you. It’s time to OCCUPY all He has for you! 

Unfinished Business Book by Gary Keesee

Unfinished Business: Nine Laws for Acceleration puts everything on the table and walks you through the steps to change your mindset - your thinking - to one of opportunity and acceleration so you don't leave any of your dreams, your impact, or your God-designed destiny unfinished.

Gary wants to help you win in life, take territory, and make sure that you leave no unfinished business behind.

Get ready to experience acceleration!


Ultimate Business Book Package

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