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Helping You Win in Life: The 9 Gifts of the Holy Spirit

What would YOUR life look like if you knew how to avoid experiencing trouble?

What would YOUR life be like if you knew exactly where you should go and what you should do in order to be successful?

How would things be different for you if you knew where to apply for a new job, where to make your next sale, how to start a new business, or how to solve a problem in your life?

Here’s the thing: As a child of God, you have access to secret knowledge from the Holy Spirit.
The Bible tells us that the Holy Spirit is our Helper and Counselor. He’s there to help YOU in your everyday life—with the big things and the small things.

You have access to things you don’t know, things you’ve never heard of, and things you’ve never considered or thought of. You have an ability past yourself to win in life—through the Holy Spirit.


Join Gary Keesee, Drenda Keesee, and their son Tim Keesee for this eye-opening five-part series that fully uncovers the amazing help you have access to but probably aren’t fully tapping into.
Get ready to take notes as you learn how each gift of the Holy Spirit functions and how you can wisely draw on each one in your daily life—so you can win against the enemy, carry out your God-designed assignment, and live the good life God has for you.

Baptism of the Holy Spirit Book by Gary Keesee

Your world was totally changed when you received God's gift of life and became His child. But have you received His gift of the Holy Spirit?

What is the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and how can it empower your life? What is speaking in tongues and is it for you?

Find out what the Bible says and why the Baptism in the Holy Spirit is the most essential thing you need NOW!

Helping You Win in Life: The 9 Gifts of the Holy Spirit Audio Teaching plus The Baptism in the Holy Spirit Book

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